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George Adamson Experience - Hosted By

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To give it an aura of the adventurous life he lived, the George Adamson Experience Event is a rebranding of the former George Adamson Memorial Anniversary celebration that began back in 2007.
George Adamson (3rd February 1906 – 20th August 1989), also known as the “Baba ya Simba” (“Father of Lions” in Swahili), was a wildlife conservationist and an author. George and his wife Joy Adamson have inspired the films Born Free, Living Free, To Walk With the Lions, Lord of the Lions, The Lions are Free, An Elephant Called Slowly among other blockbuster movies and television series. His story is also found in the bestselling book Born Free which is based on the true story of Elsa the Lioness an orphaned lioness cub they raised and later released into the wild.
This year’s event aims at raising funds that will be directed towards the conservation of Lions in both Meru and Kora ecosystems. Additionally, the event will be used to:
1. Rehabilitate the Kora National Park road infrastructure
2. Secure the park more,
3. Rid it of cattle
4. Develop tourism in the park using the George Adamson’s Camp for accommodation, and
5. Create the George Adamson Museum in the park

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